Amit Haryani and Shubhra Bhatnagar are both IT Professionals from India who currently live in New Jersey. They are two very special people. As a couple, they serve as teachers for the Art of Living Foundation in New Jersey. The Art of Living Foundation is located in well over 100 countries and has been in existence for more than 30 years.
A. Haryani and S. Bhatnagar teach the Art of Living main Kriya course (also known as the Happy Course – breathing techniques), Meditation and Silence courses. They have supported the work of the Listen Give Initiative Founder, Gail Davvis and colleagues for the past two years. The love they have for one another is given unconditionally to others.
The Listen Give Initiative is proud to soon provide proceeds from its project, “Never Alone” Music Campaign to the Art of Living Foundation in Jersey City, New Jersey where A. Haryani and S. Bhatnagar are teachers.
Listen Give thanks the entire Art of Living Foundation Family in Jersey City for its ongoing support.
UPDATE MAY 2015: Amit Haryani and Shubhra have started a business where they provide vegetarian products that are organic and GMO free in New Jersey called Karmalize.Me. You can also order their product directly to your do. What is so great about their business is every time you purchase a product, 50% of the proceeds go to charity.