K. Brown is one of our International Student Ambassadors and a high school student in the United States, currently enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Program (offers four high quality international education programmes to more than one million students in 146 countries).
She is interested in many things ranging from the Arts, Horses and loves Anime. She is an avid reader. She also competes in a program called, Odyssey of the Mind (DEFINITION: is a creative problem-solving competition involving students from kindergarten through college. Team members work together at length to solve a predefined problem (the Long-term Problem); and present their solution to the problem at a competition. They must also participate in the Spontaneous portion of the competition by generating solutions to a problem they have not seen before. While the Long-term Problem solution often takes many months to complete and involves various elements of theatrical performance, construction and design, the Spontaneous portion occurs the day of the competition) .
K. Brown is taking Fencing and Equestrian lessons. For K. Brown, being an A student comes very easy.